Q: Fireplace screen size?

A: The size of the fireplace screen - bright opening of the screen - width times height, is chosen in proportion to the area and position of the fireplace in the room. If it is a dominant position (the middle of the shorter wall of the room), the fireplace is of larger dimensions. In the room with more content (living room) a partial fireplace club is formed, possibly a corner, the fireplace is not of prominent dimensions. From the energy point of view, the fireplace is economical when the firebox is filled approx. 2/3 with fire - such as the economical speed of the car 70% of the max. We are often put in an awkward situation where the designer insists on a huge screen (up to 2.5m), which results in an extremely large chimney. The warning that we will deviate from the principle of energy efficiency is often ignored: the fireplace is not used for heating, we install powerful central heating. In exploitation, the user is visibly disappointed with the efficiency, when the fire is low, he urges us to install a better way of burning. Megalomania usually hides emptiness. When you go to the store with a tow truck, fuel is much more expensive than a muffin.

Q: The material from which fire pits are made?

A: We are often asked the question: Isn't the fireplace made of fireclay bricks (alumo silicates). This material resistant to high temperatures is a poor conductor of heat, more precisely a thermal insulator that prevents heating of the warm air chambers. The dominant energy component is a pronounced heat radiation that is unpleasant for people nearby - it dries the face, hands, eyes and heats only from the front. The material for making the firebox should be a heat conductor-metal. Since copper as the first conductor of heat is excluded due to unfavorable technology, we are offered boiler steel c.1202 or c.1204. The dominant part of the energy is emitted through the "warm chamber" through pleasantly warm air or hot water (boiler fireplace), while a smaller part is radiated in a pleasant dose of direct heating. Confusion is created by the flood of magazines with fireplaces made of fireclay or volcanic stone arriving from England, southern France, the coast of America and Australia with highly humid air that needs a fireclay air dryer, possibly a gas fireplace that dries the air beneficially. Our continental air is dry due to the frost, and the fireclay fireplace worsens the atmosphere - it dries the skin of the hands, face and eyes.

Q: Chimney?

A: The dimensions, material, position of the chimney come from the fireplace itself. Inherited inert confusion - the fireplace is built with a manufactured chimney f 200mm. The fireplace does not require the required material for the construction of the chimney - single pipes, stainless materials . The destructive element for chimneys is sulfur, which is a companion of fossil fuels - coal. When sulfur is burned, sulfur oxide is formed with moisture, which turns into sulfuric acid, which destroys lime, cement, brick, and steel. Fireplace smoke doesn't contain all that, so bright red clay brick, wetted with extended plaster with plastered smoke surfaces, is enough. Definitely avoid the yellow loess brick from Srem and Podunavlje. The dimensions need to be determined strictly depending on the case, especially the venturi cap, which sucks out smoke more efficiently in strong winds. Avoid the position of the fireplace that requires a chimney in the outer wall, which results in a very unpleasant smell, especially in the spring as a result of the cold chimney. Define the chimney during the primary building of the building - diameter, height.

Q: Air consumption balance?

A: Fireplace, grill, ventilation, otsis sanitation, air conditioning, unwanted draft are consumers of air from the space. It is necessary to balance the pressure so that the air input is a shade higher than the extraction. Confusion is created by the belief that traditional hearths functioned without all of this. The doors, floors and windows, due to their imperfection, provided plenty of air with frost in the room and energy inefficiency. Our concept of the fireplace has an indispensable supply of cold air, which makes it autonomous. A unique mechanism closes the flap of fresh air and flue gases. The problem arises when this supply is expected to make up for thousands of cubic meters of the shortfall that is being sucked out by other consumers. We call such disturbances - a kitchen hood, an open upstairs window, an imperfect attic outlet - a thief in the house - an air thief.
Solutions to this problem exist and should be the subject of special consideration.

Q: Energy balance?

A: Along with the proverbial lagging of culture, we have the utilization of wood burning energy. The best types of wood: hornbeam, oak, cherry, beech and other heavy wood give from 1.5 to 2 kwh/kg of fuel, which produces a consumption of 5kg of fuel per hour, for a power of 7kw. A boiler fireplace requires double the mass of wood per hour, for 2.5 to 3 times more power. That seems too much to some, even if electricity is 3-7 times more expensive. Light wood is weaker, especially oak wood, which emits dangerous resin sparks.

Q: Thermal inertia of an object?

A: the electrical mass of a classically built (brick-concrete) building with proper external thermal insulation is beneficial, but only for a continuous heating system - family housing. our workers from abroad, business premises: thermal inertia is counter-productive. First, tens-hundreds of tons of an object that "absorbs" about 5000 kcal must be heated. Or 6kw per ton of construction, then the air in the room is heated. After leaving the building, it is energy that is slowly lost until the next arrival. The solution is in partitioning the space: upon arrival, the living room is heated, and at night the bedrooms are heated. Example: A pleasant surprise was prepared by the investors from Juhor who divided the thermal insulation into: 5 cm from the outside - 3 cm from the inside + semi-forms without special education in thermals, but the experience of hunters after hours spent on the fence. An investor with a series of works in different locations is most satisfied with the fireplace in Uvac - an easy assembly facility that starts as formula 1.

Q: Open or closed fireplace?

A: In addition to the special comfort of the Balkan-Slavic hearth, the glazed-closed fireplace is in demand in recent decades: less worries about the fire protection aspect, safer for children. The closed fireplace has a range of max. strength, not sensitive to strong winds, does not smell of ashes at rest. It is more efficient in burning without unwanted cooling at night. Glass or glass-ceramic gets dirty in an unwanted way, which is difficult to clean even if we have minimized smoking with special systems. The elevator door vibrates in the wind. An open fireplace is more efficient at maximum heating.

Q: Ashing?

A: Removal of ash is possible through the floor grate, which requires the removal of ash from the floor. The ashtray is not an ornament on the fireplace, it is often robust, where ash is scattered. Various Home centers and the like in their distribution networks sell a special accessory that is mounted with a vacuum cleaner, where we very easily remove ash from the fireplace.