The bread oven pizzeria was developed after the dominant fireplace market moved to Belgrade.

Friends who work professionally at the Vinča archaeological site showed me well-preserved fragments of a bread oven from 5 to 6,000 years ago. The oven is shaped like half a pear, hence the bread oven, as well as the Slavic word "kruh" (bread) - what is baked in a bread oven. There are no major differences in principle between the ovens of that time and the pizzerias of today.

Almost twenty-five years of experience in building pizza-ovens is discontinuous in some way: in the late eighties we had a small "boom" of wood-fired pizzerias; wherever we built it, they would shut down gas and electricity furnaces within a radius of several kilometers. The 1990s brought "street pizza" - a piece of dough with some filling, all on a cardboard, and - the end of hunger. In those years, we made amateur ovens for family use.

In recent years, the "woodsman" oven, with its unrepeatably clear spiciness of thin dough and selected side dishes, has taken its rightful place. Certainly, this requires many times stricter criteria in terms of temperature regime, draft, design. While the fireplace is an applied thermo-technique with a wide scope for the application of science, the construction of a pizzeria is almost pure craftsmanship, as is the use itself - preparing pizzas.
