This web site is using Cookies, so here is explained how the Cookies works and how You can control either Cookies is going to be active or deleted.

What is Cookies?

Information which are transmitted from some web site to Your computer disc is called “Cookies”. They aren’t a computer program, but small informative folders providing saving and usage of information about how the user is visiting web site. Majority of web sites is using Cookies since they are part of aggregated tools enabling users friendly web usage. Cookies are enabling and offering to the web sites personalized services (for example: data memory, keeping products in a basket or showing relevant content). There is various types of Cookies: Temporary Cookies (or session Cookies) is deleting after explorer turn-off. Permanent Cookies is not deleting automatically, but remains active until being targeted for deleting or until the end of their validity time (depends on Cookies validity time duration is programmed by web-site).

How to delete Cookies ?

Most browsers are set up to accept cookies automatically. You can disable Cookies in the browser, but remember that in that case you may be denied a number of functions necessary for the site to work properly. For more detailed information about Cookies, visit, which contains detailed and independent information on how to disable Cookies in browser settings and how to delete Cookies already present on your computer. To delete a Cookie from your mobile phone, you will need to look at its user manual.